OK so I have to cook for myself everyday now which I am not used to because last season I was living in a hotel and they had my meals prepared for breakfeast, lunch and dinner, but this year is a little different. Like I have said before it is hard to go to the grocery store and find exactly what you need because I do not know what the labels are saying. I guess alot and have had a few hits and a few misses. Milk -hit. Mayonaise -miss. So I decided to have the "Tuna Test". ( I love tuna and eat it all the time at home. ) I bought tuna a few weeks ago and I just did not like it, so I decided to buy a few different kinds of tuna and test them out to see which one I liked and would buy from now on. Ill let you know the winner when I complete the test.

I also have added a few more months onto my scrapbooking calendar, October, November and December. My wall is slowly but surely becoming more decorative

As many of you know my all time favorite candy is Skittles. I love love Skittles. But unfortunately they do not have Skittles here in Finland, none that I have found anyway, and plus they never taste as good in other countries. But many of you may or may not know that I have a weird OCD when it comes to my Skittles. I have to, have to eat them in pairs and when I come to the end of the bag I have to have the same amount of each color and then I eat one of each color so they all still have the same amount. Weird, yes I know. But I was talking to my friend Trey on skype and he was making fun of my OCD with Skittles and then I had to show him what I have done with the Skittles that I have left from what I have brought from home. He got a good laugh about it!The sad thing is I would probably have done this if I was in California too! :)