Wednesday, April 22, 2009

what a trip!

ok so i have been back from my trip with my cousin for about 2 weeks now..unfortunately i was not able to go to egypt because i had to come back to cyprus and play in the semifinal game of the cup, which we lost but we held our own against the number one team and it was probably the best we played all season. But my trip to Greece with Alicia was AMAZING!! we had such a great time! I would be posting pictures now but my camera broke the first day there, but luckily my cousin is a great photographer and she took some wonderful pictures!
The first day we got there we wanted to get started right away so as soon as we landed we took a taxi to our hotel, which was a nice hotel for being cheap and the receptionist was awesome, he told us where everything was and where we need to go. The first day we decided to go up to Mt. Licabecca, which overlooks the whole city. We didnt know that it would take us climbing up many hills and about 500 steps, yes i counted, to reach the top of the mountain, but it was definitely worth it! It was a spectacular view! We then hit up the flea market to check things out. The next day we decided to go see the sights nearby, which included the Acropolis, the temple of Zeus and other tall statues, some museums, cemetarys and other cool things. The third day we went to see the Temple of Posiden. We had to take a bus to get there but the ride was along the coast and beautiful. We decided to make a day of it and had a nice relaxing lunch and then go take some pictures. While we were taking some pics we found this lil trail and so Alicia and I, being the adventurous ones we are decided to folow the trail and see where it would lead, well lil did we know that we would end up climbing down this huge, i think 295 ft cliff...ya i didnt tell my dad about that one...but also very worth the scary trek down the hill, we got down to the water and there were lil springs everywhere and gorgeous rocks. It was awesome. The last day we decided to check out the islands of Greece. So we headed out on a boat to the island of Agnea. This is a cute small lil island where it was nice to enjoy a lunch and walk around and take some pictures. We saw some lil French boys playing some volleyball so Alicia and I jumped in and played with the lil boys for awhile. The whole trip was amazing and we had such a great time just walking around and enjoying the sites, a new country and just talking and hangin out. Some of the things I will remeber are the nice people we met, eating lunch and dinner and having the Acropois be the view we saw, nurse Alicia helping an old man after he fell and him being so nice that he kept wanted to give us directions everywhere, to be caught up in the middle of a protest rally with all the policemen decked out in the full gear with shields and gas masks and also we were in the middle of a poilice chase. It was an exciting and fun trip!! I cant wait until my next adventure with Alicia!!

for pictures of the trip check out Alicias webpage....

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