So that Saturday the team loaded up in the cars and headed to the paintballing place. I think most of us were expecting some kind of course or area lined out for us. But we get there and we are in the woods. We are paintballing in the woods with like 2 feet of snow. So we get all our gear which is just like a camouflaged jumpsuit which garnered no protection or padding whatsoever, so i wore my big jacket and sweats underneath for some extra padding. The they gave us our helmets, which didnt have a anything to protect the back of our heads,which led me to more worrying about my safety. And sidenote the helmets were so bad because they fogged up so fast so you couldnt see anything!
So the rules were pretty simple,it was just like capture the flag. We were divided into 2 teams, the blue and orange team. Go blue! There was 7 on each team. We played 3 rounds for 20 minutes. So one team went to one side of the woods and the other side of the woods and the man blew the whistle and we were off. Since I was so afraid to play this dreaded game I offered to stay and play defense and guard the flag. Really I just wanted to find a good hiding spot and stay hidden so I wouldnt get hit. Well my planned worked. I hit behind this huge rock and was perfectly hidden and I nailed our assistant coach before he could get the flag! yes!! But that round ended in a draw, no one got the flags.
After the first round my competiive side came out. I wanted to go and sneak around and try and capture the flag. So the whistle blew and I made my way around the outskirts of the boundaries, hiding behind trees and rocks and laying low in the snow. It is very hard to be fast and agile while every step you take there is snow up to your knees. So I made it close to the flag and all of a sudden someone was shooting at me. The only way I was safe was to stand behind the tree as still as possible and wait it out. Finally, they stopped shooting at me and went on to someone else, thats when i turned at started firing at her, and I got her!! Ok so I was that much closer to the flag. As I was making my way over there I saw my coach, who was on my team creeping forward to the flag, so I thought Ill go and join him. As I was making my way over there I started getting fired upon from 2 different angles. So I quickly hid and started firing away. But then I ran out of paintballs!! I saw some lying on the ground that must have fallen from the gun so I tried to grab them and put them in my gun but then it hit me! I got hit in the leg by the enemy! Right as I got hit the whistle blew. Time was up and it was another draw. But when the final players that were playing that round made it to base, me and a teammate from the blue team realized we were shooting at each other!!! haha!
Third round. Our strategy was to have 2 players go and get the flag and everyone else stay on defense, well right away our 2 offensive players got shot and alot of their players got shot, so I decided to go and get the flag. I was going on the outskirts again and almost made it to the flag but it was gone, another teammate of mine had it and was taking it to our side but time ran out and it was another draw!
I was so happy when it was over and I had only gotten shot one time and it didnt leave a mark or even hurt! But I was a sharpshooter for my team. I had hit 6 people the whole day! The girls said I was a professional shooter ha! Im glad I got out there and faced a fear of getting hit with a paintball! It was a fun day!
After our day in the woods we got to relax with a team dinner then a sauna party. After that we headed over to Thais' apartment to play some games and get ready to go out. We were playing dance dance revelution on the wii and some crazy card games. Once we were all ready we headed out to our favorite place, Cirkus! This was the last time we were able to really go out and have fun as a team before we focused completely on playoffs! We were now ready for playoffs to begin!!
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