Tuesday, February 16, 2010


So I have been living in my apartment for about 6 months now and I have been dealing with this renovation for about 6 months now. seriously? It is not so much renovating as it is fixing the water system. But whatever they are doing is loud. They are drilling and hammering constantly. For 6 months. Not everyday the last 6 months but it has been going on for that long. But lately it is everyday starting at 7:30 in the morning. seriuosly? And every morning at about 7:30 I get woken up and think Im going to have a heart attack. Seriously,it freaked me out for the first few days, then my body just got used to waking up that early. I would try putting my music on to drown out the noise, hardly ever works. Now I am one who doesnt complain much about anything, my dad will second that, especially after i told him about this little problem and he told me to tell my team to get me a new apartment, but seriously now I have to complain on here. I can live with it for a week, a month but for 6 months...seriously?! ok so the other morning i wanted to show everyone what the drilling sounds like so here you go, you be the judge and see if you could deal with this drilling everyday and morning...seriously?

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