Happy happy thanksgiving!!!
a few things that I am thankful for:
*for truly being a "dekiewiet"... i, like my dad and his dad, my grandpa, are happy enjoying the simple things in life. I am happy to say that I am like my dad in that way. My dads daily routine hardly ever changes but one thing that never gets old for him is to just sit outside in the backyard just watching the scenery and the sun go down. of course with a few beers in hand.

*for the part of me that is a fikse...the past year or so has been a difficult one for the fikse family but i remember someone telling my mom and a few of her of sisters that the fikse family was one of the nicest families they have ever met, even during the hard times. my mom is definitely one of the nicest people i know, even in the hardest of situations, i pray it has rubbed off on me
* for my amazing parents...growing up my parents were always there for us and supporting us. my mom said she doesnt know how she got lucky with 3 good girls but we are the lucky ones with parents that raised us the way they did.
*for sisters...they say that sisters are your best friends, my sisters and i have gotten alot closer over the years and now i can say that both my sisters are my best friends. they are the ones you can be yourself with and still love you.
* for friendships, old and new...those that have been there a lifetime, a few years or just recent friends, i have learned so much about myself and about others from each friendship. those close friends that have been there through everything and have loved you no matter what happens along the way.
*for experiences...i never imagined when i first started playing volleyball that it would take me to the places it has taken me. each experience has taught me more about myself then i could ever imagine, good and bad. for the opportunity to do something i love everyday and experience different cultures,people and Gods world while doing it.
*for HPK volleyball...this season has been a tough season for many players to find good teams, but i am so happy to be with a team that i have so much fun playing with and hanging out with outside the gym.
*for my health...although i complain about bad knees and bad back, i am definitely still able to do all that i want, play volleyball and much more.
*for change
*for taking chances and trying new things
*for strengthening my relationship with my Savior
As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them. ~JFK
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