First stop was a few games of bowling..i have to say i dont suck too much at bowling, i think it is my special technique of bowling.

after bowling we headed to the mens hockey game. we had good seats and tried cheering for the boys with our hpk volleyball cheer but it didnt help too much , they lost the game. but we had a fun time watching the game, eating free food, drikning cider and trying to see how cute the hockey guys were under their masks!
after the hockey game we went and crammed everyone in this little apartment for our little christmas party. they do not have thanksgiving here so they start the celebration of christmas in november already! so we had a secret santa exchange, wore our santa hats, played some games, ate some more food and went into the sauna.we had one girl that was helping us during practices and games acting as a team manager and she was leaving us but as a parting gift she bought some finnish alchol an wanted to have a goodbye shot with everyone. now this is not the besttasting stuff i have ever had but the finnsih sure do love it! we had a fun time laughing at peoples crazy gifts, the skills of the girls during the game and at each other!

after our party all 14 of us girls got ready to go out in that little apartment. we managed to set off an alarm and had a policeman come and stop by but i think once he saw all of us girls he just told us to have a fun night and we did!!

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