(everyone else in the fam was working and at the airport) went to the Christmas Eve service at church and it was nice to see people, sing carols, and listen to the message. The pastors message was for us to remember that Christmas is not our birthday but Jesus' birthday. We dont always get what we want on Christmas because it is not our birthday, but we get the things that we need. On Jesus' birthday He wants us to celebrate Him and remember Him, but the thing that we need the most in this world is Jesus' salvation. That is Jesus' free gift to us.
While I was home we had a Christmas party at our house and it was so much fun to hang out with family and friends that I had not seen in a loong time. We had a great time with food, games, music, catching up with each other and smores!!

Alumni basketball game. All I need to say. We dominated. I wasnt expecting to play for a few reasons but I couldnt resist playing with my friends again, I even had to borrow a pair of guys shoes. Thanks Jason! It was fun to go back to the little gym at put on that old bcs jersey and play bball again. So many good memories in that little gym. The game was alot of fun, especially because one of my best friends, Janelle, who I played with in high school was there. We both realized, after she took a hard foul, which Janelle is famous for and plus it should have been called charging, that it has been a few years since high school and our bodys arent so easy to bounce back from something like that. The guys game was after ours and they put on a good show also. It is always nice to see old friends from high school and also to see so many still interested in the lives of BCS people
My mom, sister and I headed out to San Diego one of the days I was home for a girls day out there. We had lunch at our favorite sushi place, which was amazing. Then we went down to mission beach to hang out. We walked along the beach, got ice cream and played a few video games. It was such a fun day and I loved spedning it with my mom and sister, Kellie.
I loved my time being home. I loved spending time with my family and friends. I tried to cram in seeing as many friends as I could in the short time I was home, but didnt get to see everyone. But it was so awesome to see everyone that I did see and that made me not want to leave! I miss being in California!
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