On December 19th we played in the Finnish Cup finals, unfortunately we lost. The team was a good team but we just couldnt get enough energy to finish. But hopefully we can redeem ourselves at the end of the season. On the way home we all were excited that we would have a few days off for Christmas break so we started the celebration in the back of the bus. All of us girls piled in the back of the bus and where we were playing card games, drinking some ciders and laughing alot! While we made a pit stop for a bathroom break/get more drinks since you are not allowed to buy alcohol of any kind after 9 pm, the bus driver thought it would be fun to scare all of us girls in the back and he started doing donuts and spin outs in the parking lot of the quickstop!! ok scary on a few different levels because a. we were in a big charter bus b. there is snow and ice on the ground c. this guy was crazy. He probably did this for about 5 minutes with all of us screaming/half laughing/holding on to our drinks and fearing we were going to tip over. After we made it home safely the team went to the sauna where our owners had provided a late dinner and drinks for us.
The next day I was leaving for home!! But all the girls insisted I come out with them, so I went home and finnished packing the last few things i needed and then headed out with the girls.We had a great night! I was gonna go out with the team and catch a bus at 4:20 to the airport because my flight was at 8 in the morning, but one of my friends offered to drive me and thankfully he did because he helped me out at the airport because it was soo crazy and busy there. At the airport in Helsinki I ran into one of the other Americans that plays in Finland and we were on the same flight to London. Unfortunately for her, her flight to NY was cancelled so she had to wait another day to get home. While I was waiting in the London airport I ran into one other American girl that was playing in FInland also and she was on the same flight as I was into Dallas, so we kept each other company during our layover and then we sat next to each other on the flight. I was thankful for these girls for making the flight home a little better! I finally made it to Cali and the first thing to see off the plane were my dad and mom! It was soooooo nice to come down the escalator and give them hugs, even tho they had no big welcome home signs. next time.
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