Sunday, September 18, 2011

Here for Volleyball

After all my posts on my blog about going to the beach, going out, sightseeing you may start to wonder if I am really here for volleyball or vacation?! But yes I am still here playing volleyball! We started our practices the last week of August, just doing light practices and only one a days. It was a chance for us to meet all the girls and the coach and get a feel for playing with each other. The first week of September we started doing double days. Ironically I love that we are practicing twice a day. Otherwise I would be bored. And it is helping keep me in shape for all those beach trips we are making! :)
But we are working hard. My schedule usually goes like this: wake up for practice or weights in the morning, head straight to Vas Kutak, which is this great restaraunt that we eat lunch at everyday.Some of our favorite meals are the gnocci,grilled chicked,spaghetti and calamari. So after lunch I usually head back to our apartment and catch up on emails,facebook and tv shows and then try and take a nap. I am really bad at the napping part,I fal asleep for about 30 minutes, but Ill tke what I can get. Then it is back to practice at 7:45 till about 10:00.The only thing I dont like is practicing so late at night, it makes the days seem so much longer. But I really like the girls on the team as well as our coach.
We play in one of the nicer gyms in the league. It is a big arena which holds about 15,000 people, although I dont think we will be filling it up for home games. But it is a great place to play. We are all excited to start playing some games!

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